第45回 神戸ファッションコンテスト2018

15. TWENTY-EX / Ryuichi TSUJI

Ryuichi TSUJI / freelance
I propose a futuristic style that draws its inspiration from design ideas found in Japanese anime and manga; cultural artifacts that are purported abroad as modern examples of Japanese art.
After gathering robotic elements from androids and other mechanical figures found in Japanese manga, anime and concept art, I have fused them with a hard style, inlaying the concepts into single frames.
Using shape-memory resin panels, a three-dimensional, architectural form and firmness is expressed in a way that cannot ordinarily be achieved with cloth. By coating the resin panels with phosphorescent paint of the same color and bonding cut portions of leather to parts of the panels to cover them, geometric patterns emerge as the panels emit light in darkness.

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