シン カ ヤン Sin Ka Yan
(文化服装学院 Bunka Fashion College)
点・線・面 「構成」 Dots・Lines・Surfaces “The Constitution”
以上の特徴から、私はゴッホの作品を思い出しました。あの点・線・面の運用の全壁さ、表現の自由さ、そして、自由と世界への恐怖心など. . . 今回自分の作品に不可欠な要素だと思って、自分のやりかたで作品のデザインに取り組んでみました。
My project aims as expressing my feeling regarding the relationship between natural and composition of this material world by using painting, knit work and etc., as features of my design.
This idea came up to me under 2 key words : “Atom Arrangement” & “Van Gosh”. As we know, our material world naturally formed by various atom arrangement pattern. Numerous of atoms (dots) gathering, forming into line and lining up into sur face. This natural order provides me senses of quite, calm and pure.
Never the least the natural order has the power to free from “time”. Al though our world is controlling under “time”. We con not resist to the flow of time. The concept of how atoms (dots) form this world (surfaces of material thing) world never be changed. It is a proof showing me that “Perfect freedom always around this world.”
And since I think works of Van Gosh shore the feature of how dots, lines and surfaces working perfectly together in expressing meaning. Thus, I tried to add his works in to my project. I hope that can able me to express my feeling : natural, pure, freedom, and fear of freedom indeed.

Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 月曜日, 11月 5, 2018
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