横山 夏実(よこやま なつみ)/学生

Natsumi YOKOYAMA / student
Life, artifact, the moment that something is born is so beautiful.
I started by wanting to express that moments in the design of clothes.
I took up “supernova” as a theme. It is an astronomical phenomenon that looks like a star was born newly.
Combine the different colors of organdy, and make an incision in that. And, create a motif that contains a twist.
So, represent the color of bright light that feel like future.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 日曜日, 12月 2, 2012
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松山 駿介(まつやま しゅんすけ)/学生
歪み / distortion
自然は今人の手が加わり、その美しさが人工的に変化しつつある。常に自然と共存する人が自然本来の美しさに手を加え、変化させる事で 利便性を求めた先にある人の歪みを作っている。その自然の象徴といえる空気や水などの流体に一定の圧力が加わる事で出来る カルマン対流から着想を得て、人の手が自然に加わる事で出来る自然と心の歪みを表現する。

Shunsuke MATSUYAMA / student
The beauty of nature is changing artificially everyday. People, who are in the same position as nature at all times, vary this nature, and lose real wealthy mind in human. It makes distortions. I have got an idea from Karman convection produced by adding constant pressure to fluid which is a symbol of nature, for instance the air and water. I visualize this distortion of nature and human mind by human work.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 日曜日, 12月 2, 2012
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細山田 直人(ほそやまだ なおと) /学生

Naoto HOSOYAMADA / student
The origin of life is, in other word, the toughness of a body with core.
I wanted to express it by releasing touch of dilating materials.
The world in the far future is desolated and people are left behind in limited areas.
This mobile weapon is made by combining various parts like a head, arms and legs with the core body.
My aim is to present the beauty created through gathering continuous units and the architectural silhouette processed by changes in details
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 日曜日, 12月 2, 2012
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日高 俊(ひだか しゅん)/学生
層 / Layer

Shun HIDAKA / student
I searched about the “layer”, which is a theme, of this work from various angles and I got to know various layers.
It is a stratum, a layer of a book, a layer of the dress currently displayed at the shop, etc.
They are seen, I felt insanity when crowed with one thing, and I felt the overlapping beauty of the color.
And such a design was used in order to express them.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 日曜日, 12月 2, 2012
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萩原 潤(はぎわら じゅん)/学生
チラリズム ―Chiller Rhythm―

Jun HAGIWARA / student
Chirarizumu ―Chiller Rhythm―
It looks like visible but you can not see it.
It is called “Chirarizumu” in Japanese.
I had an inspiration by such an irritated “Chiller-Rhythm-”.
Basically the tuck is the flat and linear, but I prepared the print only when the tuck is twisted and the pattern was shown.
I concentrated to make the details that were matching the pattern when showing each other.
When the rhythm was born according to moving currently these designs that looks like visible but you can not see is so thrilled.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 日曜日, 12月 2, 2012
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永田 大祐(ながた だいすけ)/学生
生命力 / vitality

Daisuke NAGATA/ student
The idea was obtained from the strength and beauty of the vitality which a tree has.
The demolition and reconstruction of a leather which gave the Shaving processing and “Persimmon juice dyeing” of a Japanese tradition. The strength and beauty that the irregular from built by the drape of cloth makes, it gives people peacefulness.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 日曜日, 12月 2, 2012
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鳥飼 拳吾(とりかい けんご)/学生
シカクノカタチ / Form of square

Kengo TORIKAI / student
Form of square
After the 3.11 earthquake, large-scale anti-nuclear protests occurred.
When I saw this, I felt the great energy by the group.
Just like the many people who combine to make a powerful group, I would like to combine many small pieces of fabric to create powerful designs.
When we look at the world around us, we can see many square shapes.
They overflow into and intersect with our daily lives.
By combining squares, the resulting shape can be round, irregular, and freed from the original squareness of the individual pieces.
By incorporating the shape of the square, I would like to create unique and exciting designs.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 日曜日, 12月 2, 2012
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東條 志保 (とうじょう しほ)/学生

Shiho TOJO / student
I want to express to you about the feeling in heart by clothes. It cannot be seen with our eyes but it exists. And then, I think the feeling changes and evolves every time like a whirl.
Then, I think people want to tell you what they are feeling about.
But it’s difficult to communicate perfectly. It’s very frustrating. I put that frustrated feeling on the title and it’s called “A WHIRLING HEART”.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 日曜日, 12月 2, 2012
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田中 大資(たなか だいすけ)/学生

Daisuke TANAKA / student
Supposing man goes with future, what will happen to the body?
The situation which net society further accelerates, and man goes into the world of a game, and becomes battle organization was considered.
It changes to the armor which a bone comes out of man’s body and keeps the body then. Beauty with a transparent feeling was investigated and female strength and suppleness were expressed.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 日曜日, 12月 2, 2012
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竹村 翔(たけむら しょう)/フリー

Sho TAKEMURA / freelance
The design inspired from ecdysis of insects.
Expressing the clean skin which breaks through the old skin by the contrast of junk and gorgeous materials.
Combination of two opposite genre of materials, decadence details of distressed effects, and gorgeous details of stone element.
The design expresses decadence and also elegant atmosphere by mixture of defilement and beauty to set each other off.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 日曜日, 12月 2, 2012
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塩貝 沙希(しおがい さき)/学生
テトリス中毒 / TETRIS-HIGH

Saki SHIOGAI / student
I took notice of regularity of TETRIS (:straight lines, squares, colors and forms)
and also the characteristics (:combining, piling up, dying).
The clothing can change its form by regrouping and dying.
And this expresses a new balance by straight lines only.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 日曜日, 12月 2, 2012
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佐藤 成(さとう ながき)/学生
空気のカタチ / THE FORM OF AIR

Nagaki SATO / student
The air is fluid, sometimes wildly and sometimes gently wraps around the body.
It is not possible to touch, or capture their intangible forms with the eyes, but can feel existence. This is the essence of the “air”.
This time, we chose to capture the shape of the air without losing the fluidity, which is characteristic of the air, and to visualize feeling the wearer’s aura sensitively, and giving it specific shapes.
”Air” as the “Air”
”Air” as the “Atmosphere”
Would this work is not considered to have been embody those two statements beautifully?
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 日曜日, 12月 2, 2012
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迫田 翔(さこた しょう)/学生

Sho SAKOTA / student
Fashion is a tool for communication.
I wondered what role clothes could play, in our current society where the use of social media minimizes the real life face-to-face interaction.
As a warm and welcoming country Japan is known as, this collection expresses Japanese thoughtfulness (“wabi-sabi”), embodied by kind hospitality and peculiar love for austere beauty.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 日曜日, 12月 2, 2012
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近藤 晃裕(こんどう あきひろ)/学生
エーテルの存在 / Existence of aether

Akihiro KONDO / student
Existence of aether
Essentially, beauty can be defined only ambiguously. Since it is ambiguous, it exists as a rich thing.
“Aether” is to pursue a morbid “beauty”, to long for an impossible imagination and to wish a beauty of its idealism.
The ambiguous sensitivity itself to sense something more than what can be seen rather than to make all black-and-white is a unique Japanese aesthetic sense. I made up my mind to express this ambiguous “aesthetic sense” equal to “translucent aesthetic” as clothes.
My goal is set to pursue a “new beauty”.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 日曜日, 12月 2, 2012
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桑原 啓(くわばら あきら)/フリー
美数値空間 / Beautiful numerical value creation

Akira KUWABARA / freelance
Beautiful numerical value creation
The Pyramid of Egypt, the Remains of Maya Civilization and the Nazca Geoglyphs have been strongly attracting me since long time ago. They have some common mathematical features that are bold and geometrical. These features came from intricate calculation for creating objects. In addition, the figure of Delaunay by Boris Delaunay, who is a Russian mathematician, also has these features. Therefore, from these features, my designs would be future objects from ancient ones because it enables tensions and mystiques from the objects to be visible in this real world.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 日曜日, 12月 2, 2012
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工藤 萌(くどう もえ)/学生
変化と無意識 / Change and insensibility

Moe KUDO / student
Change and insensibility
This garment becomes different in figuration when it is worn.
Clothes have structures when you put them on and they change shapes when you move.
This change is not aware because it is only natural.
Presenting is a garment that makes you realize the change that is taken for granted.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 日曜日, 12月 2, 2012
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河村 愛美(かわむら まなみ)/社会人

Manami KAWAMURA / emplyee
Step fold
Step fold
Step fold is the way of folding by performing a mountain fold and valley fold in turn.
I mold clothes by repeating this simple work.
I approach a folding line by utilizing a characteristic of each material and sub-material.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 日曜日, 12月 2, 2012
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小田垣 鈴鹿(おだがき すずか)/学生

Suzuka ODAGAKI / student
By putting coiled wire in between nude color chiffon, beautiful wave line that
Can not be expected is formed.
By merging this curve line with women’s body curve, a new beauty is born.
I present clothes that are parasitic on the body
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 日曜日, 12月 2, 2012
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大野 陽平(おおの ようへい)/ 学生

Arte Povera
This work, Arte Povera, proposes the new luxury fashion by mixing up a variety of industrial materials, not a general clothing fabric.
The Italian term Arte Povera, literally “poor art” in English, refers to the modern art movement introduced in Italy during the end of the 1960s.
The artists expressed the “ordinariness” in their arts, questioning and opposing the established art considered “privileged” through the movement. The way they created works of art was by utilizing the materials not for art, instead of the ones for art.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 日曜日, 12月 2, 2012
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青木 將人(あおき まさと)/フリー
Trees of life

Masato AOKI / freelance
Trees of life
Nature, human body and art, they co-exist in harmony with each other, and they represent the inside of everything, appealing to people visually.
They are:
“Commonality of nature, human body and art”,
and “Visual representation of the inner surface”. Clothing is the very expression of the inside of everything. In addition, with representing the nature that is hidden behind plants and art as clothing, this clothing presents people a strong message to reconsider about “the original roll of clothing”
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 日曜日, 12月 2, 2012
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