李 璐(り ろ)/ 学生(文化ファッション大学院大学)
テーマIMMOはimmortalの略語です。中国雲南省のミアオ族衣装、風景にインスピレーションを得ます。雲南省特有の段々畑は、時間、天気などによって変わります。ミアオ族の衣装で、私にとって一番魅力的なのは鮮やかな帯と古いテクニック。私の考えている “IMMO”は、民族衣装と現代芸術を結びつけ、新しい服を作ることです。

LI LU / student
My theme “IMMO” is a contraction of “immortal”. I draw my inspiration from the clothes of the Miao nationality and the beautiful view of Yunnan China. Beautiful view of Yunnan province, the layer of the terrace will change with daylight, weather and time. The attractive neon light of Miao’s ribbon and ancient art hold special attraction for me. What I am thinking of the “IMMO” is combine ethnic clothes with modern art.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 金曜日, 11月 6, 2015
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山本 恵里子(やまもと えりこ)

My concept is making clothes that women from all over the world can wear naturally. Almost as if it were part of their every being. Clothing that transcends cultural norms.The theme is “Wave,” inspired from Hugaku36kei by Katsushika Hokusai. I’d like to represent the rustling of the waves. The clear-cut touch on this piece is made from various pleats of white, navy chiffon and slab-like denim with fringe done on both sides.
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望月 空(もちづき そら)
異国の文化や宗教、生活はお互いに理解することが難しくだからこそ人々の心を動かす。我々が日常感じる外国人がつくる「日本」というイメージの世界への違和感を切り口とし、①宗教観 ②技術 ③女性像 ④実用性をキーワードに、これまで見聞きした世界を「東方見聞衣」として提案。東洋の魅力、伝統的な技術を現代における衣服として再構築する。

It is difficult to understand each other about foreign cultures, religions, and our lives, but that’s why I think that they have the power to move people’s hearts. I have a clue of “uncomfortable” that we feel frequently for the world of images that is made about “Japan” by foreigners, and so this work has 4 keywords through my works that I have been created so far. ①The Religion ②The technique, detail ③My right woman, woman of the dreams ④The practicality I suggest clothes as the “east Observations clothing” (like the“The Book of Mrco Polo”…) by I have seen and heard until now, and besides reconstruct the oriental charm and the traditional skill as clothes in modern.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 金曜日, 11月 6, 2015
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宮本 龍児(みやもと りゅうじ)

Human Blooming
The clothes is yourself. It has one’s own unique personality in the same way as a human. we can feel the standing of a family, character and the environment it was raised from the clothes. The person assimilates into clothes. I pursue possibility to be able to do it from clothes and a body. I produced original knitting material. I finished a three-dimensional work using technique to let you bend to repeat to depend.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 金曜日, 11月 6, 2015
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水上 誠二郎(みずかみ せいじろう)/ 学生(文化ファッション大学院大学)

Seijiro MIZUKAMI / student
People change clothes.Situation, season, feeling, many reason.These days, people wear a lot of clothes.There exist various combination.For example, innerwear on the tops in Men’s wear recent collection.Normally, tops on the innerwear. It’s reverse combination.I was focused on there and assumed If innerwear have a WILL and show up itself? Use urethane foam and stretch knit.Put innerwear on the urethane foam and put stretch knit on the innerwear.Paste stretch knit. It use the iron.[Bonding]Appeared innerwear in the stretch knit over like innerwear have a WILL.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 金曜日, 11月 6, 2015
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日野 美穂(ひの みほ)

Dragon rises and black sun
Towards the very hot and black sun, we have the image of a state in which the dragon is gradually rising. Dragon has strongly dignity. Myself I have the image of a woman like such a dragon and feeling like a layer. Among the I, black is an image that has a very heat. In flux of the dragon and the black sun, it will represent the strength of the energy.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 金曜日, 11月 6, 2015
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林 友徳(はやし とものり)
アンフェティシュ ラテックス ドール

Tomonori HAYASHI
Unfetish latex doll
I got the inspiration in latex event, which was held at midnight in Tokyo. Cutwork, I used a cut-paper technique. I had express sexual and feminine beauty in the contrast of skin and latex.
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橋 七夏海(はし ななみ)/ 学生(神戸ファッション専門学校)

Nanami HASHI / student
I express the beauty like flowing light in contemporary architecture. I use chemical fiber which is lifeless for material and also use twisted clothes with plastic. Plates and hoses made of clothes to discribe it.In addition, I try resin items made with 3D printer. The situation is “The beauty that youth like Android in the future seek for.”
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 金曜日, 11月 6, 2015
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西尾 幸子(にしお さちこ)
Sachiko NISHIO
Herringbone a pattern named for its resemblance to fish skeleton,makes a vivid and striking impression. It literally catches the eye. A simple pattern, the repetition of lines mirrored diagonally, gives a sense of movement to static fabric, creating an entrancing visual effect. The pattern functions in the same manner as the bones that support the soft flesh of a fish. Herringbone is powerful but not inflexible, dynamic and wondrously attractive. I hope that my designs embody these qualities.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 金曜日, 11月 6, 2015
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永江 幸平(ながえ こうへい)/ 学生(大阪モード学園)
A deterrent and respect ~抑止力と敬意~

Kohei NAGAE/ student
A deterrent and respect
A picture of a soldier standing in a flower garden inspired me to pay homage through my creation to soldiers, whose life is in the opposite of our peaceful days. I expressed the flowers with detailed quilting and pinching craft (a traditional Japanese craftwork). With an urban image, I have created a dress style that is in the opposite of army-wear and monotone camouflage. It is my apparel proposal for women with deterrence, strength, and delicacy.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 金曜日, 11月 6, 2015
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瀬口 由実子(せぐち ゆみこ)/ 学生(愛知文化服装専門学校)

Yumiko SEGUCHI / student
Have we forgotten to dress up? I am good at embroidery synthetic leather cutting. I made embroidery on casual wear, not a dress. I did embroidery using PVC to evolve embroidery.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 金曜日, 11月 6, 2015
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杉野 友香(すぎの ゆか)

[Concept] Some people consume all their time and money in their enthusiams playing computer games day in and day out, or throwing all what money they have into pop idols. Some of them are so preoccupied to what they love that their communication with others are hindered, isolating themselves within their world. The focus of my work is those who are struggling to interact with outside world in a self-imposed isolation.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 金曜日, 11月 6, 2015
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川上 良太(かわかみ りょうた)/ 学生(明美文化服装専門学校)
Intimidation and Punk

Ryota KAWAKAMI/ student
Intimidation and Punk
Organisms to show off the power to protect their own body. Rather than the actual attack,animals change a body and show the strength. The pattern is changed and I seduce. I found that to be akin to the punk calture opposed to culture of existence. Clothes are turnup,and a thumbtack stnike, make hair stand up.The power was being expressed. I got inspiration from these,「change」bassed on this keyword. Make cloth change. For the people who live through now. By clothes I’d like to give the strength.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 金曜日, 11月 6, 2015
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金山 恒樹(かねやま こうき)/ 学生(マロニエファッションデザイン専門学校)

Koki KANEYAMA/ student
Personality Overlapping
How does the personality of human stracture? To each other giving some influence in relationship with others, other’s color overlap and mix on my color softy. So many times over relationship between these other’s, my color (personality)would be made little by little. This means that personality couldn’t be structured by myself. Relationship of various with other, mutual support could make personality, I think I structure clothing inspired by such as relationship each other and important thing personality of various unfinished personality.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 金曜日, 11月 6, 2015
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加賀 龍(かが りゅう)

Stereopsis and Closing of Moire
「Moire」is the pile with the accurate striped pattern and intervened with a beat pattern.Moire has a slenderness human emotion and a dilemma of vicious circle has filled out a similar nature. I express with an uniform stripe pattern (stripe) and lattice pattern (check) by the layerd that Moire causing a 「Serious Personality」.I want to reflect to the three dimensions pattern that closing with no shape.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 金曜日, 11月 6, 2015
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太田 萌子(おおた もえこ)/ 学生(名古屋学芸大学)

Moeko OTA/ student
Rebellious spirit
My concept is about a 17 -year-old girl. Her daily words and acts were restricted by her parents, based on the reason that she is a girl. She who was modest was not able to argue against it. One day, her thought exploded and there was a closet of her older brother before her eyes. She opened it and wore brother’s clothe on her blouse and stood before the mirror. She felt anger, vexation, and liberation, which was not felt before. The goal of this work is figure of the girl standing in front of the mirror.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 金曜日, 11月 6, 2015
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石野 愛弥(いしの あみ)
私が魅力されたNakagawa tomoharuの美しい器をデザインソースに、その独特の質感、混ざり合った色彩、なめらかな曲線を圧縮ウールをベースに色と素材をミックスしながら表現する。大きく、ゆらりとした独特のシルエットと、美しく混ざり合う色合いがポイント。それに加えて重要視するのは、軽くて柔らかい、着心地の良さ。

I felt attracted to the pottery Nakagawa Tomoharu made.It has an elegant texture, a mixed color and a beautiful curved line. I sew various colors and material on wool by a needle punching machine,and I express his pottery. The point is big and unique silhouette, mixed colors,and The most important is to be comfortable.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 金曜日, 11月 6, 2015
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池上 貴大(いけがみ たかひろ)/ 学生(大阪モード学園)

Takahiro IKEGAMI/ student
I used “imagination”and “construct” as my keywords.Combining these words as “imaginative construction”. I imagined of a female with irredeemable egoism about fashion that is born from unfettered thoughts,but existing ideas.
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穴澤 洋太(あなざわ ようた)/ 学生(東京モード学園)
Yota ANAZAWA/ student
Relief is a technique where the people and buildings are carved into a surface so that they pop-out from the impression of the background that is left behind. I approached this concept using a simple shape,the square,to bring-out,take-in and create a skewed silhouette and from while leaving the beauty and elegance of the design to draw out the features of the wearer.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 金曜日, 11月 6, 2015
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青木 里実(あおき さとみ)

Satomi AOKI
Changeable and uncertain memories, and recall. I inspired by the watercolor by Carol Carter, and express it by lively color and gradation.Made the original furs, that by take textures to bits and put together. For ladies who treasure hers feeling and sense of value. Suggest the unforgettable clothes for hers special day in ordinary days.
Filed under: スタッフブログ by admin on 金曜日, 11月 6, 2015
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